
The Ultimate Camping Essentials

We all have different ideas of camping; some like to rough it and take this idea to the extreme. Others seem to bring more luxury items with them than they have at home. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle. Camping is a big industry these days and going to a store can be overwhelming, because there are so many choices. If you are looking for the essentials here is a short list of items, you are sure to find useful this camping season. Let’s assume you already have a flashlight, axe, knife, and sleeping bags.

  • Tarp: Top of the list, a tarp, or tarps. They aren’t glamorous, but if you have one you are going to use it. It will probably be the first thing you need. Tarps keep things clean and dry and have too many uses to list here.
  • Tent: Unless you intend to build your own shelter, or you are sleeping in a caravan. It is hard to skip this item. Sleeping under the stars is a romantic idea and the mosquitoes approve. But you likely aren’t going to enjoy it. Make sure you bring a tent. Tents are necessary camping equipment in Australia.
  • Cooler: Super convenient for keeping things cold, and just keeping your food clean and protected. This item is guaranteed to be useful.
  • Firestarter: What’s camping without a fire. Unless fires are banned in your area, your fire will be the central feature of your camp. Matches and lighters can let you down. Bring a fire starter. It will help bring you back to your ancestral roots
  • First Aid Kit: Knives and hatchets, climbing around on stuff, fire. There are many things that can hurt you in the wilderness. You don’t plan for accidents, but you can be prepared.
  • Pot or pan: It isn’t camping if you aren’t cooking outdoors. But, how disappointed you will be, if you show up at the campsite without at least one of these. You can eat beans out of the can, but it will be hard to make ramen in its wrapper.
  • Rope and duct tape: These items are just too useful to leave at home. Even if you can’t fathom what you will need them for, you will need them eventually.

There are many more things you could add to this list. A good idea is to make your own checklist and go over it before you leave from home. A single missing item can turn a good time into a struggle.  And remember to have fun.

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