
The 5 Different Nose Piercings You Can Get

The concept of nose piercings is an ancient one that has started to see a rise in trends again today. Tribes from the Middle East and Africa use piercings to show a gain of status or wealth. Indian traditions believe the left nostril can be beneficial in women to promote fertility and increase the chances of childbirth.

Piercings entered the western world as an outlet for rebellion and self-expression. These days, there are many different piercings that you can get—whether it’s on your face, your chest, or elsewhere! Most people choose a nostril or septum piercing, but did you know there are even more nose piercings? If you want to look into nose piercings, there are 7 different styles to choose from:

  • The nostrils—Arguably the most common of the nose piercings, this is placed on the left or right side of your nostril. Nostril piercings are common amongst women but can still be seen on men. Some people choose either a stud or a nose ring for their nostril piercing.
  • The septum—This is the second-most common form of nose rings. Septum piercings are just below your nose and above your lip. This is popular because septum piercings typically use a horseshoe type of piercing, which can then be pushed up and no one will be the wiser that you have a piercing! These require more time and patience, so make sure your piercer is comfortable with septum piercings.
  • The bridge of the nose—This piercing is, as it sounds, up towards the top of your nose, near your eyebrows. This piercing is best used with a curved barbell for the piercing, not a straight one to help avoid mitigation—the act of the body rejecting a piercing. Luckily, as these are shallow piercings, the healing time is quick.
  • The high nostril—This piercing is ideal for those that want multiple piercings, as you can get chains to attach and connect to one another. This is placed higher on your nostril, so you can use nostril screws or studs, but no hoops or rings.
  • The septril—This is not as common, and usually only done by those who have already had their septum pierced. The septril is in the middle of the septum area, on the actual nose. Some people will get piercings that dangle from the area specified.

No matter what you choose, be sure to speak with a specialist first. The healing times and piercing processes are different for each piercing, so make sure you know the risks and benefits involved.

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