Gemstones are in high demand throughout the world, and with such high demand, it also means there are many people ripping consumers off. You will need to be careful if you are looking to purchase gems, and you will need to educate yourself on what to look for when inspecting them. Below are some tips to help you do this to prevent yourself from being ripped off and ensure you purchase genuine, high-quality gems.
Learn What To Look For
You will need to research how to tell the quality of gems so you can do a gemstone test yourself before making your purchase. You may also want to purchase a jeweller’s loupe, which is the magnifier they use on one eye to look at the detail of the gems. When you know what to look for and have your loupe ready, you can start shopping for your gemstones.
Ask About The Origins
When looking at gemstones from a dealer, you will want to ask them about the origins of the gems, so you know from where they came. You will also want to ask if they have certificates and have been tested by a laboratory. If this information is not forthcoming, you may wish to pass on purchasing the gems and move on to the next dealer to see what they have available.
Inspect The Gems
When you find gemstones that you like and have all the information you asked for, you will want to inspect them closely. You will want to use your loupe and look for inclusions in the gems, which are common, and if there are none, you may be looking at an artificial gemstone. A flawless gem is rare, so it should start your alarm bells ringing if you cannot see any imperfections.
Ask About Colour Enhancements
You will also want to ask if the gemstones you are interested in purchasing have enhanced colours. It is common for the colours to be enhanced in gems, and you will want to ask which method was used. You often find that the natural colour of many gemstones is not as deep and vibrant if they have not been enhanced, so it is not a deal-breaker when they have been.
When you are confident that you are looking at a high-quality and genuine gemstone, you can then start haggling on the price. You can then either take them home to sell for a profit or use them to commission some bespoke handmade jewellery.